Monday, May 17, 2010

Only 3 DAYS!

Hola amigos!

I'll be using this blog to share my updates, experiences, and adventures throughout my stay in Santander, Spain this summer! I will be in Spain from May 29 until August 4.

In the mean time...

Jamie and I have made up a few things for our Spain Bucket List.. here's what we have so far!

1- Make many (native) Spain friends
2- Try new foods
3- Take a train with no prearranged destination
4- Cliff diving
5- Museo del Prado (Madrid)
6- Dali / Picasso Museums
7- Margaritas on the beach
8- Swimming in the Mediterranean Sea
9- Listen to the spanish guitar!
10- Watch a bull fight
11- Rent bikes & bike through the city
12- Watch a Flamanco show
13- Visit "La Sagrada Familia" by Gaudi
14- Retiro (Madrid)
15- Go to La parque Geull (Barcelona)
16- Visit Andalucia
17- Las Ramblas (A very busy/popular tourist street filled with vendors and food)
18- El rastro
19- Un partido del futbol
20- Visit the Balaric Islands! Amazing
21- Stroll along the beach while eating ice cream
22- Costa del sol
23- Picos de Europa
24- The Guggenheim Museum
25- The Palace of Catalon
26- Windsurf in Tarifa
27- Tarifa to Morocco
28- Learn how to make a Spanish dish from my host family
29- Learn more and spend time with my host family
30- Better my skills in the Spanish language
31- Watch the World Cup!!!
32- Go to as many festivals as possible
33- Visit the first Armenian church in Calonge, Spain

34- to be continued...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lauren, Please take number 4 off your list. and ummmmm #28 thats great but what American dish are you going to contribute?....Reese peanut butter cups? lol
    love you much
